a. Open https://spraysyndb.cfd.uni-due.de navigate to the Register link -- https://spraysyndb.cfd.uni-due.de/register/
b. Fill in the appropriate information
c. Please make sure to choose the appropriate Assigned group – This would be the head of your chair or the person your reporting to.
d. Agree and check the Privacy terms.
e. Create your new account.
f. You would receive a mail from the SPP db admin to activate your account. You should activate your account within 24hrs after receiving the mail.
g. Be sure to remember the password you entered.
h. During any of these process if you are facing any trouble, write to spraysyndb-support
a. After logging in click on the -- Data submission tab where the Metadata is submitted.
i. Please note that help text is available (?) for each Metadata field.
ii. Embargo Time: This is important for the dataset you are going to upload; you can choose if the data should be publicly accessible directly after the upload, or after an embargo period.
b. Once the Metadata is submitted, you would be directed to upload the dataset which should be .tar.gz or .tgz file.
c. The database page list the details of the Metadata and the dataset uploaded.
d. If the data upload is broken or if any errors are shown, please write to spraysyndb-support@uni-due.de with appropriate screenshots and the Metadata ID.